Blogs by Dr. Robert Moon
Dr. Moon Q&A Spring 2020
Vertical Gardening
Gardening for Kids
The Best Plant You Never Heard Of....
Dreaming of Gardening – Container Gardening Ideas
Are you Leaking or Not?
Spring Is Around the Corner
Happy Holidays!
Pruning Your Landscape
Irrigation System Maintenance
It's hot now - but fall is coming!
Fall tree care! Protect this valuable asset!
Summer Irrigation Tips
Temperature & Watering for Plant Growth
Spring Clean your Garden
Addressing Weeds
Watering Drought Stressed Plant Materials
The “Why Bermudagrass “ in Your Yard
Rats and Mice are on the Move!
Are Grubworms Eating your Yard!
Where is Our Fall Rainfall!
The Crazy Weather in Texas
Protecting Your Trees From Insects
Freeze Damage Update
Freeze Damage on Evergreen Trees!
Bare Turf Areas Under Trees!
Tree Damage from February Freeze Event
Spring Gardening
Spring Landscaping
Tree Care Following February Freeze Event
Armyworms on the March!
Crape Myrtles- Darlings of the South
February Freeze Event
Fall Tree Planting
Let’s Talk Fall
Fall Gardening Suggestions
Irrigation Fact Sheet
Winter Pest Control
Water now before Freezing Temperatures
Trees are the Name of the Game!
Rejuvenating Your Plants
New Varieties of Tried and True Landscape Plants
Spring Gardening
Armyworms on the March!
Tree Care
Summer Gardening Tips
Heat and Drought Summer in Texas!
Heat Advisories and Plant Care
Summer is still here but fall is on the way
Tricks and Trees