Public Improvement District 1
Harvest is located in the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction (“ETJ”) of the towns of Northlake and Argyle, Texas. An ETJ enables the town to extend regulations to adjacent land where development can affect quality of life within the town. ETJ regulations also help to ensure that subdivisions that may be annexed by the town in the future meet certain minimum development standards. No City taxes are collected in an ETJ.
Fresh Water Supply District (FWSD #1)
Harvest is located in the Belmont Fresh Water Supply District #1 of Denton County. It is a special governmental entity created by the Denton County Commissioners Court and operating under the supervision of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. In many ways, the District functions much like a city. Its main functions are to provide water, sewage, drainage, roads and recreational facilities and certain police services within its boundaries. Hillwood, the developer of Harvest, and the District have worked together to provide for the extension of miles of off-site water and sewer utilities and other major infrastructure for the community. The District has the authority to levy an ad valorem tax (property tax), to fund the costs of constructing the public infrastructure and the miles of offsite water lines and sanitary sewer to Harvest, as well as to fund the maintenance and repair of the roads and related drainage improvements within Harvest, and police service.
Public Improvement District (PID)
Harvest is located in the Northlake Public Improvement District #1. A PID provides for the funding of the operation and maintenance of public improvements at a higher level than a town or city can provide. Turf, shrub and tree maintenance, irrigation repairs and utilities are examples. It functions like a homeowner’s association, but can be used for public areas only. The PID assessment for Harvest is set at $0.21 per $100 of assessed value.
Harvest Community Owner Association, Inc. is a homeowner’s association with assessments that are used to pay for maintenance of private amenities open only to the residents of Harvest, as well as high speed Internet and cable provided by Verizon. The HOA dues are set at $92 per month (of which $60 is paid to Verizon for cable and Internet).
Harvest’s water is supplied by the Upper Trinity Regional Water District (UTRWD). Water facilities maintenance and water billing is provided by the town of Northlake.
Harvest is located within the Argyle ISD and Northwest ISD boundaries and will be home to both on-site elementary and middle schools. Harvest has an Education Foundation that is collected at the time of the home’s sale. This amount is .25% of the sales price and is used to enhance the education and enrichment of Harvest Residents.
Denton County Emergency Services District #1 (ESD #1)
The Denton County Emergency Services District #1 (ESD) is a political subdivision of the State of Texas dedicated to providing fire protection, fire prevention education, and emergency medical services in the community. The ESD is a taxing entity funded by property taxes for the purpose of providing emergency services within the district. The tax rate is $0.10 per $100 valuation.
The annual property tax bill from the FWSD replaces a City tax. The FWSD tax is necessary to pay for its bonded indebtedness, general maintenance and operating expenses. FWSD rates vary (and generally decline) overtime as the FWSD’s operating and debt service costs are shared by more homeowners. The current FWSD rate at Harvest is $1.00 per $100 of the assessed property value. Once the indebtedness is retired, the FWSD will likely dissolve and Harvest will become part of the Town of Northlake.