By Rocky Tassione
Putting the garden to bed for the winter is mostly a matter of cleaning up and covering up. As temperatures drop, those plants that aren't killed outright by frost prepare for dormancy. Clear out the blackened stems and foliage and vegetables to prevent the possibility of their harboring disease pathogens and insect eggs over the winter.
Rocky recommends adding 1 tablespoon of Sulfur and 5 ounces of Calcium. Also, be sure to turn your soil (12" deep) and ensure to keep all weeds out of your bed so they don't go to seed. The holidays are a busy time, but if you have a garden plot please be sure to keep it clean and tidy! Not only does having a clean bed look nice but it also helps with the health of the garden plots around you.
As in years past, go ahead and start thinking about what you want to plant in the Spring. You will be able to plant and place your seeds in Rocky's greenhouse mid to late Februrary.