Harvest Homeowner Rose Patrick has never grown anything before moving to Harvest. She was a little nervous about gardening as she didn't think she had a “green thumb.” Now that she has had her garden plot for a few months, we sat down with Rose to see how things are going…or should I say GROWING!
Page: What things are you growing in your garden?
Rose: I planted onions, dill, cilantro, parsley tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, and strawberries. Rocky was super helpful in this process because he told me what would be the best things to plant. He even let homeowners plant the seeds in cups that we placed in his greenhouse until the weather warmed up.
Page: Tell me about that, when did you transport them to your garden plot and were you surprised by anything?
Rose: In April, we met Rocky at the greenhouse. I was really surprised to see how fast everything grew! I have never planted a seed and seen it grow. That was really fun.
Page: Your garden looks great, by the way.
Rose: Thank you! Rocky really has been so helpful. There is so much information about gardening—what fertilizer to use, what to plant—but Rocky tells you how to do everything. He makes it SO easy!
Page: What has been the best part so far?
Rose: It’s really fun to come out each morning to water and see things growing. I know I am going to freak out when I actually see the vegetables!
Page: What would you tell a new homeowner who has never grown anything and doesn’t think they could ever develop a green thumb?
Rose: Yes you can! I am living proof. We have a great resource in Rocky who will walk you step by step. We also have some amazing homeowners who are garden savvy that can help! Just give it a try.
Do you have a garden story? We would love to hear it! Send Page Austin an email at page.austin@fsresidential.com.