By: Dr. Robert E. Moon Harvest Horticulturist
This has been an unusually dry few months. The cold fronts that have arrived have mostly arrived without rain. A period of freezing night temperatures in the twenties is being predicted starting tomorrow for several nights in a row and few more nights the following week.
To protect your plant material, turn your irrigation on and give your plants a thorough watering. Once you have watered, turn your irrigation off. You do not want to create ice on your plants during freezing temperatures.
If you want to cover tender plant material, make sure to use cloth fabric and not plastic for effectiveness. I normally do not cover plant material but I do water before any period of freezing temperatures. Your less cold tolerant container plants will need to be hand watered and either covered or moved into the garage until temperatures moderate.
By watering now, this will help prevent plant damage during this cold event.