Many of you have bare turf areas under trees in your yard and no one likes to look at these unsightly areas. I totally understand. Following are some suggestions to help resolve this problem.
When on site, I have seen damage in some of your lawns due to a lawn-eating insect – grubworms. This insect is stealthy because it is working under your turf. Grubworms are the larvae stage of that late spring, early summer, pesky June beetle that swarms around your lights.
Read MoreSpring Is Around the Corner
It may only be February but spring is around the corner. But before we discuss upcoming gardening activities, I want to talk weeds!
This has been an unusual spring and early summer. There has been more rain than usual and, thankfully, cooler temperatures. But, for those of you who have lived in Texas for a long time, you know the very hot and dry weather is coming.
Read MoreBy Dr. Robert Moon
Gardening by the Moon: Spring Planting
The weather has started to change from winter to the promise of spring. I saw my first Mayfly the other day and we have already experienced some temperatures in the high 80’s. So it is not too early to begin preparing your yard for spring and summer.
Read MoreNOW is the time! Did You Get Yours?
Our own Dr. Moon has created a recipe for our Harvest yards using soil samples as a guide to feed our plants. Did you know?
Read MoreGrowing Healthy and Vigorous Street Trees
Many of you might be thinking that your street trees can’t be hungry because you have been fertilizing these trees, but let me tell you the problem.
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